Lab Of Future Curimover - The base controller app of curiosity
********************************* App created by T Dominic walter ********************************* **Curimover** ********************************* What's new in this update?
- App automatically cuts off rovers control in case of rough handling.
- App has a window which could stream live output from rover through local hotspot.
mars in order to analyze the Martian environment. ----------------------------------------------- We team of four students developed an Arduino version of this rover. ----------------------------------------------- This rover also includes working version of some of the systems that curiosity had. ----------------------------------------------- It includes :- -MAHLI -REMS (Rover Environment Monitoring) -SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) -Ultraviolet Spectrography -Robatic Arm ----------------------------------------------- This app has been developed in order to facilitate wireless connection with the Rover using Bluetooth ffunctfunctiof can control theC.Naren Karthik Marthan + M.Guru Prasad + Sherwin Jonnathan + T.Dominic The Lab Of Future Curimover - The base controller app of curiosity
********************************* App created by T Dominic walter ********************************* **Curimover** ********************************* What's new in this update?
- App automatically cuts off rovers control in case of rough handling.
- App has a window which could stream live output from rover through local hotspot.
********************************* Curiosity rover is a car sized rover that was sent by NASA to mars in order to analyze the Martian environment. ----------------------------------------------- We team of four students developed an Arduino version of this rover. ----------------------------------------------- This rover also includes working version of some of the systems that curiosity had. ----------------------------------------------- It includes :- -MAHLI -REMS (Rover Environment Monitoring) -SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) -Ultraviolet Spectrography -Robatic Arm ----------------------------------------------- This app has been developed in order to facilitate wireless connection with the Rover using Bluetooth functions.We can control the motion of the rover using this Curimover app. It has live telecast features using local hotspot and has the ability to give live 360 degree video output in this app. ----------------------------------------------- Team curiosity includes: + C.Naren Karthik Marthan + M.Guru Prasad + Sherwin Jonnathan + T.Dominic Walter -----------------------------------------------